Kapitel 8 ''You Make My Heart Race''

Previous: She was talling a lot of fun things about her and Felicia and we so much laughed so we cried. Apprently they two had a lot of fun together, they were like twins sometimes. Fanny told me once when she really liked a guy and they were at a party. She though that was her time to shine for him and get to know her a little bit more. The guy and Fanny had been standing and talked for a while. Felicia was also at the party, and for Fanny that wase'n't good at all.

When we came back to the beach I got in chock. What have happend to Felicia?!



We run totare her and Harry. He was in chock and she was just laying there. The tears just stream down his face and he sat there and hold her hand. He looked up at us and I could see the confusion in his eyes. What had actully happend when we was gone? Lou dropped all the bags he had in his hand and just run to us. He sat on his knees and start shaking Felicia. No answer or reaction. 

- WHAT THE HELL HAVE HAPPEND? Liam came running totare us with Zayn right behind him. He was all confusied, we all was. Fannys eyes started teared up when I looked at her. She sat behind Felicia and start pressing at her cheast like they do at the TV when they are trying to get some puls from a person. But there was so reaction. Felicia was just laying there without any answer. She pushed her ear up to the cheast and she nodded at us. Thank god, she was breathing at least. But i wasn't less worried. She didn't talk or wase'nt awake.

- We just... I.. was.. running with her in my arms and from outa nowhere we falled on a stone. When i got up she was laying here and didn't answer when I tried to talk to her. Lucky you came just when it happend so i wase'nt in need to call you. My phone is in the car... Harry looked so sad, I'm not use to see he like this. It wasen't fun at all. The whole situation wasen't fun. It was horrible.

Harrys view

Louis looked at me when I had tried to explain what happend even if it wasen't easy when I cried just like a waterfall. I had showed them her forhead and their eyes just got big as golfballs. Fanny started crying and so did I. I couldn't hold back my tears. What had I done? 

Liam took up his phone and said that he would call the ambulance. He run away a few yards. He came back almost 2 minutes after and told us that they were on the way. 

- Did her head hit anything? Louis looked serious at me with his ''serious but still calm look''. I know he don't want me to worry to much because when I get worried I'm unreacheble. 

- I don't know.. I looked sad at him. I have no idea what had happend and I have no control over the situation. 

Ten minutes later the ambulance arrived. It should taking less time, but since we are ot in nowhere I understand why. The ambulance people came out and they asked about the situation. We didn't have so many answer because no one had no idea what had really happen.

I stepped in the ambulance and I sat behind Felicia and the ambulance woman. The other decided to take the cars and meet me up in the hospital. I sat there and my eyes started tear up. 

- She will be okey. The doctors just have to sew some stidges back of her head and then she need to rest for a while. Don't worry. She will be alright. The woman who sat next to me smiled at me and i tried to smile back at her. This was not a easy situation but I know she wanted to be kind to me and I really hope she is right.

We were so happy out there. She was happy. She smiled and laughed. Her laugh is the most beutiful sound I've ever heard. She was so beutiful in wet hair and when the sun shined at her face. Her smile just shined up even brighter than the sun. When we kissed my whole world just stopped. I felt the happiness I had never felt before. Just once, when me and the lads were teamed up. That happiness is unscribeble. I had felt it out there in the water wtih her. I have'nt felt that with no girl before. She was speciell. I didn't want this to happen. I will never forgive myself.


Nu börjar det hända grejer här! Ni får se vad som händer här sedan på sjukhuset. Blir Felicia bättre, eller sämre? Kommer Harry någonsin kunna förlåta sig själv och hur kommer Fanny ta allting? Ni får veta i de nästa avsnitten.

Btw, har ni också fått nya blogg.se? Jag måste bara säga att jag tycker den suger. Dumma blogg.se, ta er. 

Förlåt dessutom för sen uppdatering. Idag har jag umgåtts med mina vänner som jag inte sett på ett tag och det var skönt att träffa dem. Jag har varit i min stuga fast där hela tiden nästan i sommar så inte hunnit umgåtts så mycket med mina vänner. Dessutom fick dem sina Believe biljetter jag köpte åt dem. Hihi, gullig jag är vaaaa? ;) 

Hoppas ni haft en bra dag. Imorgon lovar jag att jag uppdaterar. 


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Allting förändrats när han lämnar hemstaden för att uppfylla sina drömmar. Han gav henne ett löfte som innebar meningar han inte kunde hålla. Han gav löften om att han aldrig skulle glömma henne eller sluta älska henne. Jess, hennes bästavän som räddade henne från att gå under totalt, gjorde allting till det normala. Hon gick vidare och kunde gå upp ur sängen. Är allting verkligen helt normalt? Är allting verkligen som ingenting hänt?

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