Kapitel 30 You Make My Heart Race
''Well, It was really nice to meet you both, girls. And you to guys, Hope you felt the same and we hope we will see more of you soon. Thank you so much for coming.'' Hon ställde sig upp och kramade om alla. Hon bad tillochmed om en kram från mig och Fanny. Hon var så snäll och så glad. Vi gick ut alla från studion och sedan in i bilen påväg hem igen.
''That went well didn't it?'' Log Liam stort. Alla nickade och log mot varandra. Vi var alla glada att det hade löst sig, det gick faktiskt väldigt bra håller jag med om. Nu ska vi hem och packa. Jag måste hem till skolan igen. Det här kommer inte bli roligt.

Nialls view
''Bye baby. I will really miss you a lot. Call me when you arriving home, okey?'' I smiled with the tear in my eyes at her. She nodded and some tears ran down her cheeks. I hugged her again with and took a deep breath. She took a step back and we look at eachother for a moment before she walked totare the other guys. Iza came up to me and smiled calming. I looked down at the flooor fast and smiled lightly. She hugged me and sobbed a little.
''I'm so sorry for everything. For hurting the best girl in the world and for being such a problem.'' I looked at her with tearfull eyes. She took a deep breath and smiled at me.
''Niall, everybody makes mistakes right? Beside you have apolegize to her and you have shown, both for her and for me, that you loves her. She deserves a guy like you, that really loves her. Don't worry about it.'' The tears streamed down my face. I was so happy at the moment. That Iza had forgive me and for all the time she helped me to apolegize to Fanny. I have no idea why I deserve such a good friend. I hugged her again and now it was my turn to sobb.
''Thank you, thank you for everything, Iza.'' She smiled big and kissed me on my cheek. She grabbed her bag and look at Fanny. The nobbed and they grabbed all their bags ready to go to the plane.
''Thank you for everything guys. You are adoreble.'' Fanny smiled big.
''No worries, girls. Promise to call us when you arriving home.'' Liam said and he smiled big. The girls nobbed and started walking away. I stood at the same spot I had stand for the whole time and just watching her go away. My princess is leaving me, again. I wont be able to se her for atleast one month and for me it's a long time. The only way I will hear her voice and see her is at Skype or on the phone, but then I will only hear her voice. If I just will be able to hear, I will be okey. For a while. My body started shaking while I heared the fans screaming just close behind us and I remembered I haven't kissed my girl goodbye. The boys and Paul started walking totare the fans on their way out, while I started running at a different way. I ran as fast as I could so I would make it until they checked in.
''FANNY!'' I shouted panting spirit. I saw her and Iza laying their bags on the conveyor belt. I shouted again and while I heard the lads screamed after me. Fanny turned her face at me and she looked confused. I ran even faster and I just maked it in time before they checked in to the plane. I stopped just infront of her and tried to catch my breath.
She still had her confused look and she looked at Iza for an answer but she just shrugged.
''I forgot to kiss you goodbye, love.'' I said smiling and embraced her. I took my hands on her waist and kiss her softley. I didn't kissed her for long because I didn't want them to miss their flight. I stopped the kiss and looked straight in her eyes.
''I love you so much. With all my heart.'' She smiled while she turned red on her cheeks.
''I love you to, Niall.'' She smiled and kissed me fast on my cheek.
''Go now, Just promise to call me when you are home safe.''
''I promise.'' We smiled big at eachother and then she was gone.
I walked back to the lads with a huge smile on my face. They stood and took picture with a couple of fans, around twenty. Even if I was happy it wasen't to much, i would even been happy with a lot. I was just in good mood right now.
Paul saw me and walked straight at me, and he didn't look happy.
''Where did you dissapear?'' I smiled teasingly.
''Sorry, I just had to kiss her goodbye.'' His face was still in his angry bubble.
''Paul, I wont see her for over a month.'' He sighed and smiled while he shaked his head. I think he got me. I mean, he got a wife and kids. He have to know how it is when he is away from them pretty much all the time.
We walked back to the fans and some of them saw me and walked totare me.
''Niall, would you mind taking a picture me?'' A little girl, about 8 year old, asked. She had brown curly hair and looked so adoreble. She had a pink dress and looked a little bit nervous.
''Ofcourse, darling.'' Her face changed to a big smile and looked very happy. I bent down and embraced her with a big huge. I took the camera and took the picture. I tooked another picture while I kissed her on the cheek. She got embareced but she smiled really big.
''Thank you, Niall. I love you so much.'' She said carefully. I smiled a big smile at her.
''And thank you, love. I love you a lot also.'' She smiled really big and then she ran to her mother who smiled big to me. We signed pictures and took a couple more pictures before we leaved. I would love to be there a little more, as I said. I'm in such a good mood. I feel so happy.
We sat in the car and the lads looked at me all the ride.
''What?'' The laughed at me and just shaked their heads.
''We saw yoooooooou. Love in the air, da da da.'' Louis ''danced'' with his arm in the car. I just laughed at him and all the way home we just joked around with eachother and had a good time.
''Feeling lucky right this moment. I want to thank you, my fans, i love you. and @fannysahlberg i love you with'll my heart. See ya soon.'' I tweeted before I fall asleep with the smile on my face. I have never felt this happy before, even If I'm sad for not seeing her in a while, I'm happy to call her mine.