Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall Promo
''Dear Diary, today it was exactly one year since he left me. I know the past year, I have wrote a lot about him. But the truth is, I have a hard time to try living without him. By the way it dosen't work that well. He told me that he had a lot stuff going on with the band, and that is why he couldn't be with me anymore. Even if he said that to me, he still had hooked up with other girls on the way. No, I'm not a crazy girl who stalking him. I have told everything about him to Jessy. When she found things about him, she always showing me. Apperently he is some kind of band, actully I don't know what the band names are. The articles are always just about him. I have told her I actully don't care, but I know she can she right thruw me and know that I do care. But I can't get him off my mind. He was all that I had, before I met Jessy and now I only got her. She have tried to hook me up with other guys but it just dosen't work. To be honest, they are to far away like him. Jessy keep telling me that I have to let go and move on. It is just.. that it easy said then done. He was my everything. My life. My bestfriend. Love of my live. Now: He don't even talk to me, he never calls or text. It's not easy to forget him. Not when I'm still here in Bradford. Alone.
Me, Caitlyn Destany Williams, will never forget you Zain Jaawad Malik.''
Den här novellen, eller rättaresagt en roman (försöker leka smart tho, hah.) handlar om Zayn, i huvudpersonen och Caitlyn. Några år innan X-Factor var dem ett par. Dem delade allting tillsammans. Glädje, sorg, minnen och leendén. Efter X-Factor slutade han höra av sig. Nu, ett år efter allt hände, försöker Caitlyn ännu en gång glömma honom. Men hur lyckas det när hon omedvetande, följer med Jessy, hennes bästavän för att se ett speciellt band. Vilket råkar vara hans band.
Jag lovar er att jag kommer göra bättre från mig i den här novellen, känner mig mer passionerad nu. Hoppas ni blir sugna att stanna kvar och läsa.