Kapitel 13 ''You Make My Heart Race''

Previous: Jag satte mig och han omfamnde mig med hans muskulösa armar. Det var här jag hör hemma. I Harry's famn. I hans varma kramar. Jag lutade mitt huvud mot hans bröstkorg och kunde höra hans hjärta dunka. Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun. Vi lade oss ner så han låg bakom mig och han höll fortfarande sina armar om mig. Och jag kunde fortfarande höra hans hjärtslag. ag ville bara sluta ögonen och vara här föralltid. Men jag kom hit med han själv för en andledning. Jag måste prata med honom.. 
Jag vände mig om och mötte hans blick. Den såg en aning ledsen ut samtidigt som den var lugn och kärleksfull. Jag tog sakta upp min hand och smekte den över hans kind. Jag kollade rakt in i hans ögon. Ju djupare jag såg, ju mer såg jag att något var fel.
Jag satte mig upp så jag kunde se i hans ögon rakt ifall jag skulle prata med honom. Jag känner mig mer bekväm att kolla i personens ögon när jag ska prata seriöst. Iallafall om saker som sådant här. Jag satte mig precis brevid honom och tog i hans hand.. Han kollade på mig. Bara kollade. Han sa ingenting och såg inte frågandes ut heller.
- Harry.. startade jag och andades ut. What's wrong? And don't say there isn't something wrong. I know it is. I can see it in your eyes. Defentily when you started crying at the hospital from outa nowhere. So talk to me now. Please. I know we have'nt really said it's you and me.. but i really like you, Harry. And the most importen, i care about you.. Jag kollde upp på honom och jag såg att hans ögon hade tårats upp. Jag tog upp min tumme och torkade bort tårarna innan dem knappt hunnit falla. 
Harry sade inte så mycket på någon minut. Sedan tog han ett djupt andetag och kollade mig rakt in i ögonen. 
- Everything is my fault. Jag såg hur tårarna rann ner för hans kinder. 
- It's my fault that we fell. It's my fault that you had to go to hospital. It's my fault that you have bandage around your head. It's my fault that you... Jag kunde inte låta han forsätta längre. Inget var hans fel. Absolut inget.
- Harry! Nothing is your fault. We slipped at something, you couldn't see that stone or what it now was. It wasen't your fault. No ones! It was a accident. Okey? Don't blaime this as yourself. Never! Han kollade på mig med hans röda ögon.
- Come here. Sa jag tyst och jag omfamnade honom. Jag kramade han hårt och jag ville inte släppa honom. Hur kunde han tro att det var hans fel? Han kunde inte se in i framtiden och se att det skulle komma en sten där och att vi skulle snubbla? lilla Harry.
Harrys view

I felt so sicured here in her arms. She was so... unbelieveble wonderfull. No girl had hold me like this and tried to calm me down. She was a angel. I'd never even felt this to a girl before. She was so beutiful. In every way. She took care of me. I should be the one who take care of her now, but i couldn't resist laying in her arms. The only woman who had been this nice and comforting to me before is my mum. No one els.. 
A while after I had calmed down, we just sat in the sofa and just.. did nothing. She laid in my lap and i played with her hair. She had closed her eyes and she hold my hand. She is so beutiful.. Just laying there. 
The scentence that she had said eairlier came up in my head. ''I know we haven't really said it's you and me..''. I know we had kissed two times and everytime it just felt amazing. It felt like fireworks just blowed up and like i was in a dream. I just had to tell her that I want her to be mine. I want to call her mine, just mine. No one elses. 
- Ellice..? I remember that in the beggining when we met, Fanny had called her that and I thought it sound so cute. She reacted really fast. Probably because I sad Ellice, instead of Felicia. She gave a small laugh and smiled.
- Yes, Hazza? I lighted up in a big smile. It sounded really adoreble when she said it.
- I want to talk to you about something.. She didn't answer. She just looked at me with a look that I should continue.
- Earlier you said that we haven't said that it's you and me.. And.. I want to be able to call you mine, Ellice. I really, really like you. She lighted up in a really big smile and she sat up. She still looked at me with happiness in her eyes.
- Like..  I just.. wondering.. I was a little bit nervous, 'cause i knew she is something speciall. I don't want to mess this up.
- Do you want to be my girlfriend? It's okey if you thinks it to early, i can wait and we can.... I didn't have the chance to continue before she stopped me with a kiss. It's was the best kiss I've ever had. I took my hands on her waist and lifted her up in my lap and she took her hands around my neck. This felt really good. Our lips torned apart. She smiled big at me.
- Mr. Harold Edward Styles, i would be anord to be your girlfriend. I smiled big at her. I smiled because she said my full name. She remembering it. It sounded adoreble. But mostly I smiled because now It's me and her. Felicia and Harry. Harry and Felicia. Hellice.. I hope the fans can came up with something better. They're very cleavour tho. 
- Do you want to tell the others? The fans? She smiled big.
- I would like to tell the whole world that you're mine, Haz. But we can start with our friend. Sound good? She kissed me like that again. I looked at her and smiled big as I can. She want to tell the whole world..
We knocked at Eleanor's door and the door opened. I reached up our  together plaited hands in the sky.
- We're official now. I looked at Felicia and she smiled big. So did I.
Vet att min duuuuuude Mikaela läser så.. HEJ DUDE!!! :D
och alla följ hon & mig på twitter. Jag tänkte börja informera där varje gång jag har lagt ut ett kapitel, vad tycker ni? 
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Mikaelas twitter: NiallersLife 
Min twitter: deHoranuniverse 


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Allting förändrats när han lämnar hemstaden för att uppfylla sina drömmar. Han gav henne ett löfte som innebar meningar han inte kunde hålla. Han gav löften om att han aldrig skulle glömma henne eller sluta älska henne. Jess, hennes bästavän som räddade henne från att gå under totalt, gjorde allting till det normala. Hon gick vidare och kunde gå upp ur sängen. Är allting verkligen helt normalt? Är allting verkligen som ingenting hänt?

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