Kapitel 31 You Make My Heart Race
- Goodnight, Zayn! Ropade jag in till hans rum innan jag och Niall gick in till hans. Jag fick inget svar. Jag antog att han redan har somnat. Han somnar tydligen väldigt snabbt.
Jag lade mig i sängen brevid Niall och han lade sig arm runt mig. Jag ryste i hela kroppen. Hans beröring får mig att rysa. På ett bra sätt. Jag log stort och tittade upp i hans ögon. Han tog sin hand och smekte min kind. Jag kysste han mjukt på läpparna. Han log stort och jag log tillbaka. Jag lade mitt huvud mot hans bröst. Jag kunde höra hans bröstkort åka upp och ner.

Zayns view
I woke up and the sun was shining thruw my window. I rolled over so I looked into the wall and try to go back to sleep. No, It didn't work. Damn it, then I have to get up. I toke a look at my phone to see what the clock was. 09:30. Just half past nine?! How could I possible woke up this eairly? Whatever, I guess I will get up anyway. The lads will probably do a prank to get me to wake up later. It's better to get up now before they come up with something. I sat up in the bed and streched myself with my arm up in the air. I find a pair of grey sweatpants and a T-shirt. I put it on me and went out in the kitchen. It's only 09:30 so why would anybody be awake? I didn't care about get my hair done if nobody sees it. I heard someone stood and sing in the kitchen. I didn't regenise the song.. and neither the language. It was a lot of wierd words. Something like 'feast os mange''. I saw that Fanny was the one that sang. Maybe I can show myself anyway.. It's just her. She stood by the coffee machine and probably made coffee. She was facing her with her back to me in just a black nightgown. Her brown hair hanged down her cheast while she held some few locks of her hair with her hand, to keep it away from her face. I walked to the kitchen table and sat down at one of the chairs. She stopped singing and turned around. Her cheeks turned a little bit red.
- Oh.. I didn't saw you there.. I had no idea somebody was awake.. She started covering herself while I just stood and looked at her. She actully looked really beutiful. No, stop Zayn. She is still Niall's girl. And you two are just friends.
- Don't worry about it. I just tried to figured out what kind of langauge you sang in. I didn't reginise any of the words. She started laughing.
- Oh, yeah. I sang a song in swedish. It's about a party at 'Manges'. She laughed again. Sweden has a different kind of song lyrics.. about partys. I guess you can sing about that too?
- It's a bit different, i know. Sweden has a lot of wierd songs. It got a good beat anyway. She shrugged and a laughed a little for her. She turned back to the caffee machine again.
- Would you like some coffee, Zayn? I went quiet. I just sat and looked at her. Her hair just falling down her back. That beutiful bumb... OMG ZAYN. Stop it.
- Zayn? I didn't notice that I haven't answering her. I woke up of my thought when she stood infront of my and waving with her hand to get me notice her. I shaked my head to come back to the reality.
- I would love to. She nodded. She finished the coffee and walked to the table where I sat. In her hand she had two cups with coffee. One of them she handed over to me and I smiled thankfully. She sat down on the chair right infront of me. She spun around with her spoon in her coffee. She had her eyes right down at the table. It looked like she was thinking of something. I slurped little from my cup. The coffee is actully good here. Maybe it's Fanny who makes good coffee? I remember that it not just to be this good. Hm.
- So.. You slept good tonight? She looked upp with her eyes on me.
- Yes, actully I did. Or somehow I woke up a bit eirlier than I just to, but yes i did. I chuckled and she nodded and smiled.
- And you..? How did you sleep? With Niall? You had fun? I blinked at her and rolled her eyes.
- Ha-ha. She stucked out her tounge at me and I laughed a little bit.
- So you had fun? I smiled teasingly at her.
- Yes, you courious kiddo. We had a loooooot of fun. She sad with a streach on ''a lot''. I laughed at her as a answer. We both got quiet.
- Zayn, thank you for everything.. You really helpe-
- Fanny, I care about you as my friend. No worry, honey. She smiled big.
- No, I mean it. Thank you. Really. It means much that you helped me and Niall thruw all this.
- That's what friend are for right? She smiled big as I smiled to her back. I really like her as my friend. Even if I don't know her that well, I know her as well that I know she is a good person. She dosen't deserve to me hurt. That's why I became so angry at Niall when I found out. No girl desereves to be hurt like that. They may weren't in a realitionship, but he did kiss her. You don't kiss her and give her signals that you like her. And then kiss somebody else. I know Niall didn't mean to do it. Just anyway..
- Do you want somemore or can I take you cup to the disches?
- No, I'm done. Thank you. I smiled to her as a thank you. She took my cup and then we walked into our rooms to get ready. I put on some clothes and fixed my hair. Now I can show myself for people. Show my better side for her.
Sådär!!!! ETT INLÄGG! Nu är jag tillbaka! Skönt. Tack för att ni fortfarande är kvar och väntar. NI ÄR FÖR UNDERBARA. Detta inlägget skulle in i förregår men internet stängdes av så fick aldrig ut det. Nu är jag i Stockholm och ska hem imorgon på morgonen. När jag kommer hem lovar jag inte att jag uppdaterar lika ofta. Jag lovar att jag ska försöka. Det är skola och jag början 9:an. Vilket menas en massa dunder plugg. Dessutom ska jag börja träna på Friskis och Svettis med två kompisar. Vill verkligen komma i form med den hära slöa kroppen. Haha, jag ska börja med ett inlägg snart till.
Sååå, vad tror ni händer med Zayn här? Börjar han få känslor för Fanny? Hm.. Vad tror ni?

shiet vad jag har längtat!!