Kapitel 29 You Make My Heart Race
Previous: Han tog fram mobilen och gick ut till köket. Jag hoppas verkligen att Fanny förlåter honom. För hennes skull. Hon kommer inte klara sig utan honom. Jag vet det. Jag bara vet. Jag känner henne. Hon kommer kura ner sig själv i en hemsk mörk värld ensam och vara okontaktbar. Hon har redan gått igenom detta innan. Jag vill inte se henne så igen. Och för Niall. Han är en sån underbar kille. Han ångrar verkligen allt det här. Man ser på honom att han verkligen älskar Fanny. Han måste vinna tillbaka henne. Jag vill inte se dem sårade. Båda är svaga för sådana saker. Dem kommer båda kura ner sig i mörka världar och reagera så dåligt på detta.

Nialls view
I sat down at a chair and just starred into my phone. What if she won't answer me? What if she answer but won't forgive me? Maybe she will never forgive me. I would never be able to handle that. I know I did wrong. No talk about that. I know now that I'm not in love with Heidi. I'm in love with Fanny. I have always been. I just need to say that to her. Tell her that I love her. She truly is the princess I have been waiting for all this time. If I will let her go, I will never forgive myself. I'm sure. Niall, just call her. You can do this. I took a deep breath and find her number. My hands was shaking and I had hard to breath She is the One. I want to be with her. I have to be with her.
I remember the first time I saw her. She walked in to that room looking absolutly beutiful. She was a little bit shy first. Then she started open up to us.
''She is so cute in heer lips moving so beutiful. Those beutiful lips. Her eyes sparkeling and her smile shining so bright. Oh man. Niall you have just met her. Listen to what she tells you first. That light brown hair is laying so perfectly on her hair. Her curls is jumping whenever she moves.
- But isn't it getting boring at the tour bus? Like you driving for hours, right? Her shy smile brighted up my day. It was so adoreble. She is adoreble. From nowhere a hand is wayving right in front of my face. I shaked my head to come back to the reality.
- Niall? She talked to you? Harry pointed at Fanny.
- Sorry... What did you say? She laughed quite at me and smiled big.
- I asked you if it gets boring at the tour bus when you driving so far.
- Oh. Haha, sometimes.. Specially when we have not much food. I said jokely. She laughed her beutiful laugh. It bringed happiness into the whole room.
- I feel with you. She did a face that would seem like she was sad. But you could she just joking. She smiled big at me. Her eyes met mine and I got a big smile at my lips. Her eyes still sparkeling like the stars isn't even seen anymore. She is beutiful. I have to met her again. I just have to. She is the perfect girl. She makes me laugh and smile. She makes me go week on my knees and she is so open to us. And don't forget that she is beutiful than anyone I've ever met.''
I shaked my head to get back to reality. A tear went down my face and I realised I had screwed everything up. She will never forgive me. But I love her. I have to try.
I pressed ''call'' and I could hear the signals.
- Hi Niall.. The voice answered with a sound of disepointment. She sounded really sad. I know she is and I understand her.
- Hi Fanny.. I got quiet. What would I say to her? I have already talked to her and she said that she don't want to see me anymore. How could I possible persuade her?
- What do you want Niall? We have already talked and you have nothing that can turn me over..-
- I love you. I interrupted her. She became silent.
- Niall.. I don't be..-
- I love you Fanny. I have always loved you. I have loved you ever since the first we met.
- I don't know...
- You weared those black jeans with a with t-shirt and white low converse. You had your light brown hair in curls and they laid perfectly on your cheast.. I said it quiet and fast.
- You remember all that..? How I looked? I could hear that she smiled. Not big. But she smiled. I could hear it easily at her voice. I remember how her voice sound when she smiled, the first time we met.
- Yeah... It was true. I still remember how she looked and how her she smiled when she came inside that door. I even remember her curls was laying on her cheast. And how her eyes was sparkling.
- Wow.. I.. don't know what to say.
- Please forgive me. I know I did wrong not pushing her away. But I had no idea she was about to kiss me. You saw it just that second. I was just about to tell her everything. I swear, believe me. I'm begging you! I have never felt this for anyone the way I feel for you. Not even for Heidi. If I will let you go, I will never forgive myself. I love you, Fanny. i love you. You have turn my life upside down. You making me go weak on my knees everytime I see you. And you making me crazy everytime you smiling that beutiful smile. I can't live without you. I felt how the tears burned behind my eyes. It was all silent in the other side of the phone.
- Please say something. I tried to get thruw sobs. It was hard.
- I can't do it now. I'm sorry. She hang up. What did she mean? oh man, I had probably ruined it all twice now. Damn it. She will never forgive me. And what did she even mean with not now? Now is the time. When was she about to say anything then? Man. I will never forgive my self.
Fannys view
Jag kan inte låta Niall gå. Tårarna hade runnit nerför mina kinder samtidigt han hade sagt allt det där om mig. Till mig. Jag kan inte fatta att han kom ihåg hur jag såg ut. Och exakt vad jag hade på mig. Jag torkade tårarna och Zayn kollade på mig oroligt.
- Go to your apartment.
- But Niall is..-
- I know he is. That is why I have to go there. I have to talk to him. Han kollade oroligt på mig medans han körde åt deras lägenhet.
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure. Please. Han nickade. Färden mot lägenheten kändes som en evighet. Kändes som vägen aldrig skulle ta slut. Som om dem bodde i ett helt annat land. Några minuter efter var vi framme. Jag tog min väska och sprang up till lägenheten. Jag öppnade dörren och sprang in till vardagsrummet. Jag letade efter Niall med ögonen men jag hittade honom inte. Jag såg bara Harry och Ellice sitta i soffan. Dem ryktes snabbt upp när dem såg oss. Felicia visste vad jag letade efter så hon pekade bara in mot köket. Jag sprang in mot köket. Jag stannade upp. Där satt han. Den finaste människan i världen. Han satt med sprängröda ögon och kollade tomt ner i bordet. Det såg ut som han har gråtit ut dem. Han var helt tyst. Han andades knappt. Han hade fortfaranade inte märkt att jag kommit.
- But I can now. Han ryktes till snabbt. Han kollade upp med blicken sakta från bordet till mina ögon. Jag stod och flåsade. Vi mötte varandras blick. Han hade inte sagt ett ord och inte rört en muskel. Han väntande nog på att jag ska säga något.
- I know this is crazy. But I love you. I know that one moment I said I need to take a break from you. and now I'm storming into your kitchen and saying that I love you. I don't care. It can be as crazy as it is. I love you Niall. Even if you hurted me, I know your sorry. I just can't be without you. Jag gick sakta emot honom och han ställde sig sakta upp. Våra ögon hade fortfarande ögonkontakt. Han mötte mig med att omfamna mig. Han tog sina händer mjukt på mina kinder och kysste mig mjukt. Jag besvarade kyssen. Han drog ifrån sina läppar efter en stund och kollade mig rakt in i ögonen.
- It's not crazy at all. I love you so much. I'm so glad you forgived me. I couldn't be a second without you. Jag svarade med ett stort leende. Jag kramade om honom hårt. Äntligen var jag i hans famn igen. Jag kände hans kroppsvärme sprida sig vidare till min kropp. Jag vill inte släppa honom. Det är här jag vill vara. I Nialls famn.
WOW. VI ÄR REDAN PÅ KAPITEL 29. Oj, det har gått fort.. Jag vet inte hur jag ska sluta denna. Faktum är att jag vet precis hur jag ska ha den andra novellen. Vill sluta denna på ett fint sett. Men kanske inte ännu. Jag vet inte. Hur tycker ni den ska sluta? ungefär? :)
Hoppas ni mår bra. Har ny design också. vad tycker ni om den? ville ha en egen istället för en som massa andra bloggar har. :)

den här får inte sluta än!! xx